
In this article, we prove that the Cauchy problem for a N-dimensional system of nonlinear wave equations u(tt) - alpha Delta u(tt) = Delta f(u, v), x is an element of R-N, t > 0, v(tt) - alpha Delta v(tt) = Delta g(u, v), x is an element of R-N, t > 0 admits a unique global generalized solution in C-3([0, infinity); W-m,W-p (R-N) boolean AND L-infinity (R-N) boolean AND L-2 (R-N)) (m >= 0 is an integer, 1 <= p <= infinity) and a unique global classical solution in C-3([0, infinity); W-m,W-p boolean AND L-infinity boolean AND L-2) (m > 2 + N/P), the sufficient conditions of the blow up of the solution in finite time are given, and also two examples are given.