Age and growth of channel cat fish Ictalurus punctatus in Lake Kitaura, Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan

作者:Endo Tomoki; Kanou Kouki*; Tokoro Fumitaka; Arai Masahito; Katayama Satoshi
来源:Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi, 2017, 83(1): 18-24.


Age and growth rates of the invasive exotic cat fish Ictalurus punctatus were assessed by examination of otolith sections of 937 specimens ( 3.8-57.2 cm in standard length, SL) collected in Lake Kitaura, Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan. An opaque zone on the otolith margin, formed once a year from May to June, coincided with the peak spawning season. Von BertalanSy growth equations diSered significantly between sexes, being SLt= 63.5{1exp[- 0.120( t+ 0.416)]} for males and SLt= 56.5{1- exp[- 0.134( t+ 0.437)]} for females [ SLt is SL ( cm) at t ( year)]. The estimated maximum ages for males and females were 14 and 13 years, respectively. An age. length key for converting length frequencies into age frequencies was established, and is a useful tool for assessing the population status of the species and the development of effective management strategies.

  • 出版日期2017