
The Geographic Information System (GIS) has been used to manage water-pipe and sewerage networks all over the world (including Poland) for at least a decade. A general characterization of the GIS is given, particular consideration being focused on the function of the basic elements that form such systems. In the paper presented are the results of a pilot study on the implementation of the GIS into the records of the water-pipe network in a residential area of choice with a population of approximately 24 thousand. The project was carried out using a specialized software, Mb_GIS Start Edition (made by Megabit, Warsaw). With this software it was possible to load the database with information about 360 pipeline sections, 24 gate valves and 49 hydrants. The advantages of implementing the GIS are shown taking a fragment of the. water-pipe network as an example. Seemingly, the construction of a digital map of the town that includes all network types is an optimal solution, which enables comprehensive resources of information on the territorial development to be established. Then, also the costs involved in the implementation and maintenance of the database will be lower as they can be borne by particular branch enterprises.

  • 出版日期2007