The SkyMapper Transient Survey

作者:Scalzo R A*; Yuan F; Childress M J; Moller A; Schmidt B P; Tucker B E; Zhang B R; Onken C A; Wolf C; Astier P; Betoule M; Regnault N
来源:Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, 2017, 34: e030.


The SkyMapper 1.3 m telescope at Siding Spring Observatory has now begun regular operations. Alongside the Southern Sky Survey, a comprehensive digital survey of the entire southern sky, SkyMapper will carry out a search for supernovae and other transients. The search strategy, covering a total footprint area of similar to 2 000 deg(2) with a cadence of <= 5 d, is optimised for discovery and follow-up of low-redshift type Ia supernovae to constrain cosmic expansion and peculiar velocities. We describe the search operations and infrastructure, including a parallelised software pipeline to discover variable objects in difference imaging; simulations of the performance of the survey over its lifetime; public access to discovered transients; and some first results from the Science Verification data.

  • 出版日期2017-7-17