
We consider a scalar field (called phi) which is very weakly coupled to thermal bath, and study the evolution of its number density. We use the Boltzmann equation derived from the Kadanoff-Baym equations, assuming that the degrees of freedom in the thermal bath are well described as "quasi-particles." When the widths of quasi-particles are negligible, the evolution of the number density of phi is well governed by a simple Boltzmann equation, which contains production rates and distribution functions both evaluated with dispersion relations of quasi-particles with thermal masses. We pay particular attention to the case that dark matter is non-thermally produced by the decay of particles in thermal bath, to which the above mentioned formalism is applicable. When the effects of thermal bath are properly included, the relic abundance of dark matter may change by O(10-100 %) compared to the result without taking account of thermal effects.

  • 出版日期2012-1