A randomized clinical trial to compare the Goshgarian and Nance palatal arch

作者:Stivaros N; Lowe C; Dandy N; Doherty B; Mandall N A*
来源:The European Journal of Orthodontics, 2010, 32(2): 171-176.


Forty-nine patients (86 per cent) completed the trial. t-tests were used to compare molar movements between the Goshgarian and Nance palatal arch groups. There were no statistically significant differences between the palatal arches in terms of prevention of mesial drift or distal tipping (P > 0.05). There was a statistically significant difference in the amount of molar rotation between the arch types, with both exhibiting some disto-palatal rotation even though they were not activated for this movement. The Goshgarian palatal arch produced marginally more disto-palatal rotation than the Nance arch (P = 0.02), although this may not be considered clinically significant. A Mann-Whitney test revealed that there was also a statistically significant difference in pain scores between the Goshgarian and the Nance arch, with the latter being associated with more discomfort (P = 0.001). This trial did not support any preference in the use of the Goshgarian or Nance palatal arch, unless the slightly reduced patient discomfort with the Goshgarian arch is considered significant.