
The current study investigated the association of post-load insulin levels with glucose tolerance in a Japanese population. A total of 1450 Japanese employees who underwent a 75-g oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) were included. Glucose tolerance was assessed by 120-min glucose levels during a 75-g OGTT. A penalized cubic regression spline model analysis revealed that the 60- and 120-min insulin levels, but not 0- or 30-min insulin levels, had an inverse U-shaped relationship to the 120-min glucose level. Furthermore, peak insulin level followed an inverse U shape in relation to the 120-min glucose level, whereas the peak of insulin appeared at a later point in time as the 120-min glucose level increased. These associations were similarly observed in both obese and non-obese subgroups, although obesity was associated with higher insulin levels. Peak insulin levels also demonstrated an inverse U shape in association with 0-min glucose levels and indices of beta cell function, assessed by the disposition index and the beta-cell function index. In conclusion, peak insulin levels followed an inverse U shape in relation to glucose intolerance in a Japanese population, whereas the impairment of glucose tolerance was associated with a delay in the time to reach peak insulin levels.

  • 出版日期2015-2-20