
A graph G is called super vertex-magic total labelings if there exists a bijection f from V (G) boolean OR E(G) to {1, 2,..., vertical bar V(G)vertical bar + vertical bar E(G)vertical bar} such that f (v) + Sigma f (vu) = C where the sum is over all vertices u adjacent to v and f(V(G)) = {1,2,..., vertical bar V(G)vertical bar}, f(E(G)) = {vertical bar V(G)vertical bar + 1, vertical bar V(G)vertical bar + 2,..., vertical bar V (G)vertical bar + vertical bar E(G)vertical bar}. The Knodel graphs W-Delta,W-n have even n >= 2 vertices and degree Delta, 1 <= Delta <= left perpendicular log(2) n right perpendicular. The vertices of W-Delta,W-n are the pairs (i, j) with i = 1, 2 and 0 <= j <= n/2 - 1. For every j, 0 <= j <= n/2 - 1, there is an edge between vertex (1, j) and every vertex (2, (j + 2(k) -1) mod (n/2)), for k = 0,..., Delta - 1. In this paper, we show that W-3,W-n is super vertex-magic for n equivalent to 0 mod 4.