A new class of C-2 chiral photodimer ligands for catalytic enantioselective diethylzinc addition to arylaldehydes

作者:Ueda Yuki; Yagishita Fumitoshi; Ishikawa Hiroki; Kaji Yuki; Baba Nozomi; Kasashima Yoshio; Mino Takashi; Sakamoto Masami*
来源:Tetrahedron, 2015, 71(36): 6254-6258.


A new class of C-2 chiral materials was easily prepared by the photodimerization reaction of (R)-N-phenethy1-2-chromonecarboxamide followed by recrystallization. Reduction of the photodimer gave the corresponding alcohol stereoselectively. Both C-2 chiral materials worked effectively as ligands for enantioselective ethylation of arylaldehydes using diethylzinc.

  • 出版日期2015-9-9