Achondroplasia in female twins: surgical indications

作者:Albisetti Walter; Pedretti Leopoldo*; De Bartolomeo Omar; Verdoni Fabio; Memeo Antonio
来源:Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics-Part B, 2011, 20(2): 102-104.


Although in literature achondroplasia has been described profusely, reports on achondroplastic twins are limited. We present two cases of monozygotic female twins with achondroplasia, who underwent limb-lengthening surgical procedure with external fixation in the following five steps: tibia, femur, tibia; femur, homer. Both the cases presented a good limb length and an optimal correction of associated deformities after the treatment, fulfilling the indications. Surgical indications were mostly led by the axial deviations of the lower limbs, and the timing of the limb-lengthening procedures has been the same in both couples showing the importance of this aspect.