
The kinetic parameters estimation is a very important step in building the reaction schemes commonly present in several fields of engineering. This step was reformulated as an optimization problem and it was minimized by using the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm. The inverse technique was implemented with the help of thermogravimetric analysis. Thus, the Arrhenius parameters (pre-exponential factor, activation energy and reaction order) were estimated for a three-step mechanism proposed here to oil shale pyrolysis. The analyses of sensitivity and determinant have showed the feasibility of the estimation procedure. The estimated parameters for drying reaction was E-2 = 46629 J mol(-1), A(2) = 58859 s(-1) and n(2) = 1.581; for pyrolysis reaction was E-3 = 86051 J mol(-1), A(3) = 9728 s(-1) and n(3) = 1.302; and for decarbonation reaction was E-4 = 251203 J mol(-1), A(4) = 2.138 x 10(10) s(-1) and n(4) = 1.294. The maximum estimation error calculated was 2.6%.

  • 出版日期2012