
In crowd dynamic, relations are existed among some pedestrians, which cause frequent interactions during evacuation, creating collective motion phenomena, such as the most common pattern of team-groups. Besides, collective behavior can make a beneficial effect on the evacuation process. Therefore, this paper proposes a collective motion model to simulate bi-direction pedestrian flow. First, a method of group vision sharing is proposed to help pedestrians learn the crowd around. Based on two-layer relationship mechanism proposed, aggregate force and collective collision avoidance force are added into the original social force formula. The aggregate force is the resultant of two forces, one is the attraction among the leader and team members, and the other one is that among members of groups due to the social relations. Simulation results show that the modified model can reproduce the team-groups collective pattern in real world bi-direction pedestrian flow, and can reduce the collision risk with regarding the group as collision avoidance unit. Furthermore, the evacuation efficiency is improved.