
Notable solvent effects on the regioselectivity and the photochemical efficiency were observed in the Paterno--Buchii (PB) reaction of 1,3-dimethylthymine (DMT) with 4-methoxybenzophenone (MBP). As a comparison, photochemical reactions of 4,4';-difluorobenzophenone (DFBP) and benzophenone (BP) with DMT were performed under the same condition. With increasing the proportion of water in the solution, besides the PB reaction, an electron-transfer reaction was observed in the DFBP-DMT system. The PB reaction of BP-DMT system revealed similar effects on the regioselectivity and the efficiency with that of MBP-DMT system, but the latter is more remarkable. The notable solvent effects may be responsible for a strongly solvent-dependent properties of the excited triplet MBP.