
In this Letter, we investigate the structures of the pseudoscalar charmonium and bottomonium in the framework of the coupled rainbow Schwinger-Dyson equation and ladder Bethe-Salpeter equation with the confining effective potential (infrared modified flat bottom potential). As the current masses are very large, the dressing or renormalization for the c and b quarks are tender, however, mass poles in the timelike region are absent. The Euclidean time Fourier transformed quark propagator has no mass poles in the timelike region which naturally implements confinement. The Bethe-Salpeter wavefunctions for those mesons have the same type (Gaussian type) momentum dependence and center around zero momentum with spatial extension to about q(2) = 1 GeV2 which happen to be the energy scale for chiral symmetry breaking, the strong interactions in the infrared region result in bound states. The decay constants for those pseudoscalar heavy quarkonia are compatible with the values of experimental extractions and theoretical calculations.