
Aminodefluorination of 2-n-butylamino- and 2-diethylaminopentafluoro-1,4-naphthoquinone by alkylamines (HNRR2)-R-1 ((NRR2)-R-1 = NHEt, (NHBu)-Bu-n and NEt2) occurs at the 6- or 8-position and further, accordingly, at the 8- or at one of the 5- and 6-sites. The isomer ratio changes significantly in favor of a beta-replacement product with solvent variation in the sequence: toluene < 1,4-dioxane < DMSO. n-Butylaminodefluorination of 2-methoxypentafluoro-1,4-naphthoquinone gives mixtures of fluorine substitution products both on the benzene and quinone rings.

  • 出版日期2010-1