
A survey of En/Spm transposons was made in the rice and maize genomes to provide an insight on their distribution and maintenance Of structure in evolution. From the complete genome of rice, a low copy subfamily of rice transposons termed En/SpmB, was found most similar to the maize En/Spm element containing TnpD and TnpA-like transposase products. In maize, genome sequences from large contigs were Used to identify autonomous En-1 specific features, namely the transposon termini and the TnpA and TnpD products. This revealed a large number of internal deletion products (I-elements) as well as a few complete elements with very high similarity to the En-1 element. However, there is no En-1 identical homologous element in the maize B73 inbred genome, confirming genetic findings Of low COPY autonomous En/Spm elements.

  • 出版日期2008
  • 单位美国弗吉尼亚理工大学(Virginia Tech)