Nanoparticles Change the Ordering Pattern of n-Carboxylic Acids into Nanorods on HOPG

作者:Wang Ruomiao; Li Li; Arachchige Indika; Ganguly Shreyashi; Brock Stephanie L; Mao Guangzhao*
来源:ACS Nano, 2010, 4(11): 6687-6696.


This paper describes the formation of organic induced by monolayer, protected inorganic nanoparticles Alkanes and alkane derivatives such as n-carboxylic acids, self assemble on highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) into a persistent molecular packing structure that is dictated by the epitaxial interaction between the carbon chain plane and the HOPG basal plane Carboxylic acids form 2 D crystalline layers consisting of nanostripe domains whose periodicity is one or two times the molecular chain length However, when the molecular ordering occurs in the vicinity of a nanoparticle, this persistent HOPG-dominated nanostripe pattern is disrupted, and nanorods attached to the nanoparticles become the dominant structure. In order to understand the underlying mechanism of the nanoparticle-mediated nonorod formation, the effects of film forming conditions, caboxilic acid chain length, nanoparticle size, and chemical composition of the nanoparticle are examined it is determined that carboxilic acid nanorods can be induced by nanoparticles of different core materials includeing CdSe, Cds, and Au, as long as the protecting monolayer allows sufficient dispersion and colloidal stability of the nanoparticles in solution. A carboxylic chain length range amenable to the nanorod formation is identified as is the relationship between the nanoparticle size and the number of nanorods per nanoparticle. This study contributes to the understanding of seed mediated crystallizattion and molecular ordering. Moreover, it defines the parameters governing solution based formation of hybrid nanostructures and nanopatterns incorporating dual functionality as defined by the inorganic nanoparticle and organic nanorod; respectively.