
The paper proposes an indicator for analyzing the fabrics structure and a manner of calculation thereof, reflecting the warpand weft yarns volume in a weave repeat, being useful in designing fabrics and filling some information about the characteristics and fabric properties, including also their behavior at their various demands. This indicator was called volumetric filling factor as it reflects the real state of the internal structure of the fabric, according to the type of bonding. The elements that characterize the internal structure of the fabrics are defined by the basic structural parameters, fineness, density of yarns and the weave, that determines the mutual position of the yarns of those two systems, yarns positional stability, distribution of the yarns on the parts of the fabric, the dominant of the bundle points binding regarding warp or weft effect. In this study for analysis of volumetric filling coefficient that characterizes the worsted fabrics type, it was used the correlation method/graphic method. Correlation curve allows determining both bond existence, shape, direction, intensity, and the absence of link between variables.

  • 出版日期2016-9