
Ad hoc grids are highly heterogeneous and dynamic, in which the availability of resources and tasks may change at any time. The paper proposes a utility based resource selection scheme for QoS satisfaction and load balancing in ad hoc grid environments. The proposed scheme intends to maximize the QoS satisfaction of ad hoc grid users and support load balancing of grid resources. For each candidate ad hoc grid resource, the scheme obtains values from the computations of utility function for QoS satisfaction and benefit maximization game for ad hoc grid resource preference. The utility function for QoS satisfaction computes the utility value based on the satisfaction of QoS requirements of the grid user request. The benefit maximization game for grid resource node preference computes the preference value from the resource point of view. Its main goal is to achieve load balancing and decrease the number of resource selection failure. The utility value and the preference value of each candidate ad hoc grid resource are combined to select the most suitable grid resource for ad hoc grid user request. In the simulation, the performance evaluation of proposed algorithm for ad hoc grid is conducted.
