
Propofol has been clinically utilized as a short-acting, intravenously administered hypnotic/amnestic agent. Frequent drug-drug interaction (DDI) or herb-drug interaction (HDI) has been detected for the co-administration of propofol and many other clinical drugs. Therefore, early evaluation of the influence of drug candidates or herbs towards the metabolism of propofol is very important to avoid the potential DDI and HDI which might limit the application of drugs or herbs. The present study aims to investigate the influence of malaytea scurfpea fruit (dried ripe fruit of Psoralea corylifolia L.) administration towards the metabolic behaviour of propofol. Two major components of malaytea scurfpea fruit (bavachin, psoralen) was used to incubate with the in vitro propofol metabolism system. Non competitive inhibition was observed for these compounds towards the metabolism of propofol, and the inhibition potential was listed as followed: bavachin > psoralen. These results indicated the high risk on the influence of malaytea scurfpea fruit towards the therapeutic window of propofol, limiting the application of malaytea scurfpea fruit and propofol in clinic.