Advice given by health-care professionals to mothers concerning subsequent pregnancy after stillbirth

作者:Radestad Ingela*; Hutti Marianne; Saflund Karin; Onelov Erik; Wredling Regina
来源:Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica, 2010, 89(8): 1084-1086.


We studied the advice mothers with stillbirths were given concerning a suitable time to become pregnant. A questionnaire was sent in 2001 to mothers with a stillbirth at one of five hospitals in the Stockholm region in Sweden. At three months follow-up, 33 mothers participated and at 12 months 31. The advices varied from waiting one to 12 months. Eleven mothers were advised to trust their own feelings of readiness and six were advised to wait until they had dealt with their grief before becoming pregnant. At one year post-loss, most of the mothers felt that a suitable time for a subsequent pregnancy was as soon as the mother herself wanted. Mothers whose baby had died in utero were given radically different kinds of advice concerning a suitable time for a subsequent pregnancy. The best advice seems to be that the mother should wait until she, herself, feels ready.

  • 出版日期2010-8