
Currently the only technique sensitive to Earth mass planets around nearby stars (that are too close for microlensing) is the monitoring of the transit time variations. We search for additional planets in the systems of the hot Neptune GJ 436b, and the hot-Jupiter XO-1b, using high cadence observations in the J and K(S) bands. New high-precision transit timing measurements are reported: GJ 436b T(C) = 2 454 238.47898 /- 0.00046 HJD; XO-1b T(C)(A) = 2 454 218.83331 /- 0.00114 HJD, T(C)(B) = 2 454 222.77539 /- 0.00036 HJD, T(C)(C) = 2 454 222.77597 /- 0.00039 HJD, T(C)(D) = 2 454 226.71769 /- 0.00034 HJD, and they were used to derive new ephemeris values. We also determined depths for these transits. No statistically significant timing deviations were detected. We demonstrate that the high cadence, ground based near-infrared observations are successful in constraining the mean transit time to similar to 30 s, and are a viable alternative to space missions.

  • 出版日期2009-11