
We take a graph theoretic approach to the problem of finding generators for those prime ideals of O-q (M-m,M-n(K)) which are invariant under the torus action (K*)(m+n). Launois (2004) [15] has shown that the generators consist of certain quantum minors of the matrix of canonical generators of O-q(M-m,M-n(K)) and in Launois (2004) [14] gives an algorithm to find them. In this paper we modify a classic result of Lindstrom (1973) [17] and Gessel and Viennot (1985) [6] to show that a quantum minor is in the generating set for a particular ideal if and only if we can find a particular set of vertex-disjoint directed paths in an associated directed graph.

  • 出版日期2011-3-15