Development of a Model to Compute the Extension of Life Supporting Zones for Earth-Like Exoplanets

作者:Neubauer David*; Vrtala Aron; Leitner Johannes J; Firneis Maria G; Hitzenberger Regina
来源:Origins of Life and Evolution of the Biosphere, 2011, 41(6): 545-552.


A radiative convective model to calculate the width and the location of the life supporting zone (LSZ) for different, alternative solvents (i.e. other than water) is presented. This model can be applied to the atmospheres of the terrestrial planets in the solar system as well as (hypothetical, Earth-like) terrestrial exoplanets. Cloud droplet formation and growth are investigated using a cloud parcel model. Clouds can be incorporated into the radiative transfer calculations. Test runs for Earth, Mars and Titan show a good agreement of model results with observations.

  • 出版日期2011-12