
Image segmentation plays an essential role in many medical applications. Low SNR conditions and various artifacts makes its automation challenging. To achieve robust and accurate segmentation results, a good approach is to introduce proper shape priors. In this study, we present a unified variational segmentation framework that regularizes the target shape with a level-set based sparse composite prior. When the variational problem is solved with a block minimization/decent scheme, the regularizing impact of the sparse composite prior can be observed to adjust to the most recent shape estimate, and may be interpreted as a 'dynamic' shape prior, yet without compromising convergence thanks to the unified energy framework. The proposed method was applied to segment corpus callosum from 2D MR images and liver from 3D CT volumes. Its performance was evaluated using Dice Similarity Coefficient and Hausdorff distance, and compared with two benchmark level-set based segmentation methods. The proposed method has achieved statistically significant higher accuracy in both experiments and avoided faulty inclusion/exclusion of surrounding structures with similar intensities, as opposed to the benchmark methods.

  • 出版日期2015-3-7