
The measurement from the indentation process depends on the amount of pile-up or sink-in around the contact impressions. In this paper, finite element concept is utilized to study the pile-up and sink-in behaviour for the wide range of materials with different young. s modulus, yield stresses, strain-hardening exponents and co-efficient of friction values. The exact indentation model is created by using the two dimensional axisymmetrical model for simulating the spherical indentation process on the lines of Taljat and Pharr (2004) work. The result shows that during spherical indentation process the amount of pile-up is greatly influenced by the strain hardening exponents in addition to other material properties and depth of penetration. The numerical results from the finite element analysis are also validated using the exact multilinear material properties obtained from the tensile testing for the materials like mild steel, brass and aluminium.

  • 出版日期2015-2-10