
Aim Assess prevalence, familial predisposition and susceptibility to caries of Black Stains (BS). Evaluate the microbiological composition of BS, saliva and subgingival plaque.
Materials and methods Sixty nine subjects with BS (test group) and 120 subjects without BS (control group) were analysed for oral status. For each BS-patient, a BS-deposit, 1 ml of saliva and subgingival plaque were collected and microbiologically analysed, Five deciduous teeth with BS were observed under SEM.
Results This study showed a BS prevalence similar to that of the Mediterranean area and a familiality. The microbiological origin of BS was confirmed by SEM and culture method and the BS flora differ from that of Supragingival plaque..
Conclusions Predominance in BS and saliva of Actinomycetes and the low salivary prevalence of S. mutans and L. acidophilus may be related with lbw caries incidence in BS patients. The high presence of Attinomyces spp can be a causative factor for BS.

  • 出版日期2016-12