A novel method to evaluate spin diffusion length of Pt

作者:Zhang, Yan-qing; Sun, Niu-yi; Che, Wen-ru; Shan, Rong*; Zhu, Zhen-gang*
来源:Physica B: Condensed Matter , 2016, 488: 67-71.


Spin diffusion length of Pt is evaluated via proximity effect of spin orbit coupling (SOC) and anomalous Hall effect (AHE) in Pt/Co2FeAl bilayers. By varying the thicknesses of Pt and Co2FeAl layer, the thickness dependences of AHE parameters can be obtained, which are theoretically predicted to be proportional to the square of the SOC strength. According to the physical image of the SOC proximity effect, the spin diffusion length of Pt can easily be identified from these thickness dependences. This work provides a novel method to evaluate spin diffusion length in a material with a small value.
