
Efficient synthetic aperture radar (SAR) processing algorithms are unable to compensate envelope errors caused by the instability of the antennas; because the traditional motion compensations (MoCo) of SAR processing performs only phase corrections. During the motion compensation, the antenna direction is assumed stable, resulting in azimuth envelop errors which impact the resolution and the geometric fidelity of the processed SAR images. This paper proposes a Fourier transform-and Taylor series-based methodology capable of precisely estimating the effects of the pointing jitter on the appearance of the radar image. In addition to the overall system design of the agile SAR satellites, the theoretic research of the motion compensation can also benefit from this approach, especially for the a high-resolution SAR system with a narrow beam placed on an unstable platform. Data from a simulated X-band SAR system with pointing jitters are used to demonstrate the estimation performance of the proposed approach.
