Discovery of Endothelium and Mesenchymal Properties of Primo Vessels in the Mesentery

作者:An Ping; Su Zhendong; Dai Jingxing; Liu Yaling; Bae, Kyung-Hee; Tan Shiyun; Luo Hesheng; Soh, Kwang-Sup; Ryu, Yeon Hee*; Kim, Sungchul
来源:Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2013, 2013: 205951.


Recent evidences demonstrated that endothelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EndMT) has a crucial role in cancer and is recognized as a unique source of cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs). Primo vascular system(PVS) is a new circulatory system which may play an important role in cancer metastasis and regeneration. In the current study, we applied previously established time-saving method to identify primo vessels and further investigated the immunocytochemical properties of primo vessels. Both primo vessels and primary primo vessel cells in the mesentery expressed endothelial markers and fibroblast markers. Double-labeling experiments demonstrated that endothelial and fibroblast markers are coexpressed in primo vessels. In addition, under the stimulation of TGF-beta 1 in vitro, primary primo vessel cells differentiated into fibroblasts. Therefore, we found that primo vessels in the mesentery had a transitional structure between endothelium and mesenchymal. This is a new finding of EndMT in normal postnatal animals.