
Background: Cholesteatoma is considered a benign, gradually expanding and destructive epithelial lesion of the temporal bone. The pathogenesis of different classifications of cholesteatoma is marked by similar underlying cellular and molecular processes. Stepwise explanations of the histopathogenesis have been described previously. The current paper focuses on expounding the molecular events of cholesteatoma. Method and results: Cholesteatoma pathogenesis encompasses a complex network of signalling pathways during: epidermal hyperplasia, perimatrix-matrix interactions and mucosal disease. This paper presents a review of the molecular events driven by inflammatory mediators and enzymes during: cholesteatoma growth (cell proliferation and apoptosis); maintenance and deterioration (angiogenesis and hypoxia, oxidative stress and toxicity); and complications (bone erosion and hearing loss). The cascade of molecular events applicable to atelectasis and cholesteatoma that coexist with chronic otitis media and bone erosion as sequelae is summarised. Conclusion: The role of lipids in this disease is relatively unexplored, but there is evidence in support of fatty acid role-players that needs confirmation. Future directions in lipid research to delineate molecular mechanisms are proposed.

  • 出版日期2013-6
