
The nomenclature of fungi is governed by the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature. That Code is revised at each International Botanical Congress. This Code has permitted most fungi expressing both sexual and asexual states (i.e., pleomorphic fungi) to be accorded separate name(s) for the asexual states. Prior to 1981, the rules on naming pleomorphic fungi had become complicated and were not being applied consistently by mycologists. The changes made in 1981 simplified procedures but resulted in numerous name changes in Aspergillus. Molecular data in particular can now resolve the phylogenetic position of a fungus regardless of whether it expresses sexual or asexual structures. A growing consensus now wishes to either remove entirely or drastically amend the provision to permit separate names to be used for different states of the same species. Some initial changes towards that eventual goal were made at the 2005 International Botanical Congress, and a Special Committee then appointed is debating the most appropriate action to take. In the interim, in order to minimize confusion, mycologists working with Aspergillus and other affected genera are urged to refrain from both introducing new scientific names for further states of already known species, and also from using any such names proposed.

  • 出版日期2011-4