
The present article highlights an unusual combination of variations of the extensor digitorum and extensor carpi radialis brevis muscles in the dorsum of forearm and hand. The extensor carpi radialis brevis exhibited an accessory musculotendinous belly which inserted into the dorsal digital expansion of index finger. The extensor digitorum showed trifurcation into three distinct parts. Resultant multiple extensor tendon insertion pattern is reported upon highlighting the embryological basis and clinical importance. Knowledge of such anatomical variations adds upon the already existing information in literature and is also of profound interest to the clinician. Anatomical awareness of accessory multiple extensor tendons in the dorsum of hand is essential for successful management of extensor tendon injuries and graft transfer operations. Clin Ter 2013; 164(1):31-33. doi:10.7417/CT.2013.1508

  • 出版日期2013-2
