
Garlic powder (Allium sativum L.) is an alternative technique to maintain sensory properties and shelf life during storage time as a processed food. Currently there is not a clear definition of sensory properties which characterize garlic bulbs or appropriated sensory analysis techniques. The aims of the present work were the assessment of different vehicles in order to determine the most appropriated, and to carry out the sensory analysis of garlic bulbs powder developing a sensory vocabulary to describe odor and flavor sensory properties of different garlic bulbs cultivars dried up from two different methods: oven at 50 degrees C and freeze-dry. It is pretended to contribute to the characterization of garlic in order to offer a specific sensory lexicon as well as a unique methodology. Eight selected and trained assessors (with experience in sensory analysis) evaluated different vehicles determining the most appropriated and after that, developed the descriptive vocabulary for dried and freeze-dried garlic bulbs, choosing the best lexicons which describe the cultivars by consensus. Thirty one simple descriptors were produced. Some of them matched with descriptors published by ASTM DS 66 (1996) for fresh garlic bulbs, but with this research some of new terms were offered to describe odor and flavor of dried and freeze-dried garlic contributing to improve a better sensory characterization of this product.

  • 出版日期2010-6