
The growing interest in beta-glucans and the dietary recommendations of an exact daily intake will require rapid and accurate quantification methods of beta-glucans that can be used routinely by the food industry. The objective of the present study was to adapt the standard enzymatic procedure (Megazyme method) to quantify (1-3)(1-4)-beta-D-glucans to micro-plate format and further application to analyze cereal based samples with a wide range of (1-3)(1-4)-beta-D-glucan content (from 0.27-75%). The samples used in this study included two breads (wheat and barley/wheat), barley flours (4% and 8% beta-glucans) and two samples of oat bran (28% and 75% beta-glucans). Results showed that there was no significant differences in the quantification of beta-(1,3)(1,4)-D-glucans in different samples by using the Megazyme method or the micro-method. The methodology developed was also compared in terms of sensitivity and reproducibility with the results obtained by the Megazyme kit method and no differences were observed. In conclusion, the developed method allows the beta-glucan quantification (specifically for mixed-linkage [(1-3)(1-4)]-beta-D-glucan) to be conducted rapidly and by an efficient and sensitive micro-method in a wide range of concentrations.

  • 出版日期2014-3