
A new high-energy organic potassium salt., 2-(dinitromethylene)-1,3-dazepentane potassium salt K(DNDZ), was synthesized by reacting of 2-(dinitroethylene)-1,3-diazepentane (DNDZ) and potassium hydroxide. The thermal behavior and non-isothermal decomposition kinetics of K(DNDZ) were studied with DSC, TG/DTG methods The kinetic equation is d alpha/dT = 10(13.92)/beta 3(1-alpha)[-In(1-alpha)]2/3exp(-1.52 x 10(5)/RT) The critical temperature of thermal explosion of K(DNDZ) is 208 63 degrees C The specific heat capacity of K(DNDZ) was determined with a micro-DSC method, and the molar heal capacity is 224.63 J mol(-1) at 298 15 K. Adiabatic time-to-explosion of K(DNDZ) obtained is 157.96 s