
We analyze and solve the platooning problem by treating it as the problem of achieving consensus in a network of dynamical systems affected by time-varying heterogeneous delays due to wireless communication among vehicles. Specifically, a platoon is modeled as a dynamical network where: 1) each vehicle, with its own dynamics, is a node; 2) the presence of communication links between neighboring vehicles is represented by edges; and 3) the structure of the intervehicle communication is encoded in the network topology. A distributed control protocol, which acts on every vehicle in the platoon, is derived. It is composed of two terms: a local action depending on the state variables of the vehicle itself (measured onboard) and an action depending on the information received from neighboring vehicles through the communication network. The stability of the platoon is proven by using Lyapunov-Razumikhin theorem. Numerical results are included to confirm and illustrate the theoretical derivation.

  • 出版日期2015-2