
This paper reports the results of a model-based analysis of movements gathered in a 4 x 4 experimental design of speed/accuracy tradeoffs with variable target distances and width. Our study was performed on a large (120 participants) and varied sample (both genders, wide age range, various health conditions). The delta-lognormal equation was used for data modeling to investigate the interaction between the output of the agonist and the antagonist neuromuscular systems. Empirical observations show that the subjects must correlate more tightly the impulse commands sent to both neuromuscular systems in order to achieve good performances as the difficulty of the task increases whereas the correlation in the timing of the neuromuscular action co-varies with the size of the geometrical properties of the task. These new phenomena are discussed under the paradigm provided by the Kinematic Theory and new research hypotheses are proposed for further investigation of the speed/accuracy tradeoffs.

  • 出版日期2013-10
