Atomic spectrometry update. Advances in atomic emission, absorption and fluorescence spectrometry and related techniques

作者:Evans EH*; Day JA; Fisher A; Price WJ; Smith CMM; Tyson JF
来源:Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 2004, 19(6): 775-812.


This review covers a relatively mature area of atomic spectrometry, so there are consequently fewer new developments than in newer research fields. The review period has seen consolidation of research in AES using lasers as excitation sources, particulalry making use of their principal advatage for remote analysis. Considerable activity relating to preconcentration, matrix separation and sample introduction was evident during the review period, though very few new developments were reported. Vapour generation of nontradiational elements continues to attract some interest. Very few new developments in solid sampling, fundamental studies or new instrumentation have been reported in the open peer-reviewed literature. Speciation continues to grow in popularity with speciation of As compounds being the popular choice over the review period.

  • 出版日期2004