Flavoured quantum Boltzmann equations from cQPA

作者:Fidler Christian*; Herranen Matti; Kainulainen Kimmo; Rahkila Pyry Matti
来源:The Journal of High Energy Physics, 2012, 2012(2): 065.


We develop a Boltzmann-type quantum transport theory for interacting fermion and scalar fields including both flavour and particle-antiparticle mixing. Our formalism is based on the coherent quasiparticle approximation (cQPA) for the 2-point correlation functions, whose extended phase-space structure contains new spectral shells for flavour- and particle-antiparticle coherence. We derive explicit cQPA propagators and Feynman rules for the transport theory. In particular the nontrivial Wightman functions can be written as composite operators similar to AFA, which generalize the usual Kadanoff-Baym ansatz. Our numerical results show that particle-antiparticle coherence can strongly influence CP-violating flavour mixing even for relatively slowly-varying backgrounds. Thus, unlike recently suggested, these correlations cannot be neglected when studying asymmetry generation due to time-varying mass transition, for example in electroweak-type baryogenesis models. Finally, we show that the cQPA. coherence solutions are directly related to squeezed states in the more familiar operator formalism.