
Entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) have lots of ideal attributes as biological control agents, such as a wide host range, rapid host mortality, ease of commercial production in vivo or in vitro, active host-seeking ability, long-term efficacy, easy application, compatible with many chemical pesticides and environmental safety. In the present study, 61 EPNs isolates from 174 soil samples were collected for the districts of Kayseri Province and from 5 different habitats (Forest, pasture, field crops, vegetable, and fruit orchards). The positive soil samples ratio was (35.1%). Forty-seven of isolates were Steinernema with the ratio of (27%). Prevalence of Heterorhabditis was (8%) (14 isolates). Nematodes were identified by morphometric and molecular methods. Forty-one of these isolates, were identified as Steinernema feltiae. Two isolates were S. carpocapsae, one was S. bicornutum, 6 were unknown Steinernema spp., and 14 were Heterorhabditis bacteriophora. Of these nematodes, S. bicornutum was a first record in Turkey. The soil textures of the EPN positive soils were loam, sandy loam, loamy sand and sandy clay loam with weakly basic (pH 7.57-7.91) and 1.15-3.06% organic content. The electrical conductivity of the nematode positive soils varied from 0.19 to 0.79 (none saline) dS/m.

  • 出版日期2017