Non-Fermi liquids at finite temperature: Normal-state and infrared singularities

作者:Wang Huajia*; Torroba Gonzalo
来源:Physical Review B, 2017, 96(14): 144508.


We analyze quantum criticality at finite temperature for a class of non-Fermi liquids with massless bosons. Finite temperature gives rise to new infrared singularities that invalidate standard perturbative treatments. We show how such divergences are resolved at a nonperturbative level, and obtain the resulting fermion self-energy. This leads to a new "thermal" non-Fermi liquid regime that extends over a wide range of frequencies, and which violates finite temperature scaling laws near quantum critical points. We analyze the resulting quantum critical region and properties of the retarded Green's function. More generally, such effects dominate in the nearly static limit and are expected to have a nontrivial impact on superconductivity and transport.

  • 出版日期2017-10-16