
Prickly pear is a widely-known crop in the SE of Spain, where it is currently used for forage, fodder and fruit. Now it is being considered as a potential crop for bioethanol production from its whole biomass. In order to estimate the potential bioethanol production in the province of Almeria (SE-Spain) and the optimal location of bioethanol processing plants, a GIS analysis involving a predictive yield model of prickly pear biomass was undertaken following specific restriction criteria. According to this analysis, the total potential bioethanol production in Almeria would be up to 502,927.8 t dm . year(-1) from 100,616 ha maximum that could be cultivated with prickly pear, with a calculated yield ranging between 4.2 and 9.4 t dm . ha(-1) . year(-1). An exclusive suitability analysis and a preferable suitability analysis based on the Analytic Hierarchy Process were performed in order to estimate the optimal location of the subsequent processing plants within Almeria%26apos;s road network by a discrete location-allocation model.

  • 出版日期2012