
The natural biodiversity crisis opens new perspectives in the field of faunistic or taxonomic research. Dipterans are of major importance in almost all types of ecosystems. In the present integrative taxonomy study a comparative morphological analysis and molecular tools (mtCOI sequences) were used to test taxonomic hypotheses in the case of the Ptychoptera albimana which presents highly divergent morphological structuring throughout its range. The morphologically divergent structures are clearly separated along an altitudinal gradient. The typical P. albimana were identified mostly at low altitudes in Europe (Luxembourg, Germany, France and Hungary, but also in Romania in Dobrogea and Bulgaria in Stara Planina), between 10-350 m (lowland-hilly area). In contrast, divergent morphological structures were identified from Romania and Bulgaria (the Carpathians and Rhodope Mountains), between 450 to 1450 m (hilly-mountainous area). In contrast the standard BOLD mtCOI sequences (658 bp) frequently used in molecular taxonomy did not reflect a similar pattern and suggested recent area dynamics of populations from different isolated glacial refugia in Europe. Based on deep morphological and significant ecological differences here, we describe a new species, Plychoptera incognita sp. n., a dipteran that shares common ecosystems with some important glacial relict plants from the Carpathians and Balkan area.

  • 出版日期2015-12