
We report here a new bio-image sensor for simultaneous detection of spatial and temporal distribution of multi neurotransmitters. It consists of multiple enzyme-immobilized membranes on a 128 x 128 pixel array with read-out circuit. Apyrase and acetylcholinesterase (AChE), as selective elements, are used to recognize adenosine 5'-triphosphate (ATP) and acetylcholine (ACh), respectively. To enhance the spatial resolution, hydrogen ion (H+) diffusion barrier layers are deposited on top of the bio-image sensor and demonstrated their prevention capability. The results are used to design the space among enzyme-immobilized pixels and the null H+ sensor to minimize the undesired signal overlap by H+ diffusion. Using this bio-image sensor, we can obtain H+ diffusion independent imaging of concentration gradients of ATP and ACh in real-time. The sensing characteristics, such as sensitivity and detection of limit, are determined experimentally. With the proposed bio-image sensor the possibility exists for customizable monitoring of the activities of various neurochemicals by using different kinds of proton-consuming or generating enzymes.

  • 出版日期2018-3-1