
Current information on the ancient historical research in color vision is not complete. We found scriptural evidence for (a) Rig-Vedic yogis having subjective experience of color during meditation with eyes closed, which was accentuated by hallucinogenic drug "soma" and "Indra" and sleep deprivation, (b) eye-balls being pressed to induce color, and (c) rainbow-colors. Rig-Vedic period was about 4000 B.C.-2000 B.C. as verified by archaeologists during the excavation in Indus-Sarasvati cities like Mohenjo Daro and Harappa, where depictions engraved on soapstone seals were found that strongly resemble yogi-like figures. We conclude that ancient historical research in color vision should be revised based on Rig-Veda.

  • 出版日期2007-8