
The question of the exact region in the complex plane of the possible single eigenvalues of all n-by-n stochastic matrices was raised by Kolmogorov in 1937 and settled by Karpelevic in 1951 after a partial result by Dmitriev and Dynkin in 1946. The Karpelevic result is unwieldy, but a simplification was given by Dokovic in 1990 and Ito in 1997. The Karpelevic region is determined by a set of boundary arcs each connecting consecutive roots of unity of order less than n. It is shown here that each of these arcs is realized by a single, somewhat simple, parameterized stochastic matrix. Other observations are made about the nature of the arcs and several further questions are raised. The doubly stochastic analog of the Karpelevie region remains open, but a conjecture about it is amplified.

  • 出版日期2017-5-1