
The morphology and divisional morphogenesis of a Brazilian strain of Nudiamphisiella interrupta were characterized. The organisms were investigated after protargol impregnation. Interphase cells of N. interrupta fitted the original description. Stomatogenesis in dividing cells occurred apokinetally, left of the amphisiellid cirral row, and the ventral ciliature was derived from five ventral primordia; primordium IV was absent. The dorsal kinetics replicated intrakinetally, with the exception of kinety 4, which is interpreted as a dorso-marginal row, since it originates in association with the right marginal row. The nuclear apparatus divided as usual in non-urostylid stichotrichs, exhibiting complete fusion of the macronuclear nodules in middle dividers.

  • 出版日期2009-11