
Mixed linear model approach was proposed for mapping QTLs with the digenic epistasis and QTL by environment (QE) interaction as well as additive and dominant effects. Monte Carlo simulations indicated that the proposed method could provide unbiased estimations for both positions and genetic main effects of QTLs, as well as unbiased predictions for QE interaction effects. A method was suggested for predicting heterosis based on individual QTL effects. The immortalized F-2 (IF2) population constructed by random mating among RI or DH lines is appropriate for mapping QTLs with epistasis and their QE interaction. Based on the models and methodology proposed, we developed a QTL mapping software, QTLMapper 2.0 on the basis of QTLmapper 1.0, which is suitable for analyzing populations of DH, RIL, F-2 and IF2. Data of thousand grain weight of IF2 population with 240 lines derived from elite hybrid rice Shanyou 63 were analyzed as a worked example.