
The 2-tuple linguistic computational model is an important tool to deal with linguistic information. To extend the application of hesitant fuzzy linguistic term sets and avoid information loss, this paper introduces hesitant fuzzy 2-tuple linguistic term sets that are expressed by using several symbolic numbers in [0, 1]. Considering the order relationship between hesitant fuzzy 2tuple linguistic term sets, measures of expected value and variance are defined. Meanwhile, several induced generalized hesitant fuzzy 2-tuple linguistic aggregation operators are defined, by which the comprehensive attribute values of alternatives can be obtained. Then, models for the optimal weight vector on a decision maker set, on an attribute set and on their ordered sets are constructed, respectively. Furthermore, an approach to multi-granularity group decision making with hesitant fuzzy linguistic information is developed. Finally, an example is selected to illustrate the feasibility and practicality of the proposed procedure.

  • 出版日期2016
  • 单位南京审计大学